The syllabus and the scheme of the examination is as per the pattern laid down by Dr. B.R.A. University AGRA in accordance with DENTAL COUNCIL OF INDIA. The syllabus subjects which are taught in four academic year is as follows :-

Ist B.D.S. Professional

  1. General Human Anatomy including Embrylogy & Histology.
  2. General Human Physiology & Biochemistry.
  3. Dental Materials.

IInd B.D.S. Professional

  1. General Pathology and Microbiology
  2. Human Oral Anatomy including Embryology and Histology
  3. General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics

IIIrd B.D.S. Professional

  1. General Medicine
  2. General Surgery
  3. Oral Pathology and Microbiology
  4. Preventive and Community Dentistry

IVth B.D.S Professional

  1. Prosthodontics and crown bridge
  2. Conservative Dentistry including Endodontics
  3. Pedodontics
  4. Oral Surgery
  5. Periodontics
  6. Orthodontics
  7. Oral Medicine and Radiology


Every candidate will be required after passing the Final B.D.S. examination to undergo one year paid rotating internship in the Dental College.